Frank & Co, by Co de Kloet, contains 460 pages of unique material about Frank Zappa, based on over 25 hours of tape recorded between 1977 and 1990.

Co de Kloet and Frank Zappa were friends for many years. Co, a Zappa music expert, recorded nearly every conversation. The two men also corresponded frequently. This unique material, which has never been published before as a book, is now available. However, Frank & Co is more than a book about Zappa’s music. It also includes Co’s favorite memories of Frank as well as interviews about Zappa with, among others, Flo & Eddie, Jimmy Carl Black and Pamela Zarubica.

Foreword by Dweezil Zappa.


ISBN: 9789082109535
Available november 20th
Language: English
Publisher: Haver Producties

Frank & Co is een productie van Marjan.
Schrijver Co de Kloet is Zappa-kenner bij uitstek. 
Vormgeving: Ruben Stellingwerf en Joost Kuijpers
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